An “eBayer” has paid $305 for an empty gourmet dog food can, presumably taken from Paris Hilton’s trash.
A website that specializes in selling trash from Hollywood “stars” was the seller. They also listed other items from Hilton’s trash, including a used toothbrush that also sold for $305; two envelopes sent to her while she was in jail that sold for $510; and a Coke can for $51.
What value would you place on an item from the trash? I suppose it would depend on which “star” the trash came from! But on the other hand, what value do you place on other things, things that perhaps can’t be held in your hand, and which could never be thrown away? If an empty dog food can brings $305, what is an awareness of God’s presence in your life worth? What is the value on a “sweet hour of prayer,” or seeing a baby smile, or watching an elderly couple walk together hand in hand? What price would you put on the smell of an approaching thunderstorm after a drought, or the fragrance of a rose? Does the time you spend with loved ones have a price? Can you put a value on the fellowship, support and encouragement of fellow believers when you are going through a very rough time in your life?
David sang about the laws of God, “They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb” (Psalm 19:10, NIV). Let’s make sure that in a culture in which value is misplaced so much of the time, that we as believers are careful to order our steps according to the Word of God, and keep our lives in step with Him and with what He says is important.
Rocky Henrique