Lunch and Learn, Locked Out, Charm School 101


050609Lunch and Learn

The company I work for sometimes holds “Lunch and Learn” seminars for employees during lunchtime. These deal with a variety of physical and mental health issues. If the seminar lasts beyond the normal lunch hour, we’re supposed to get managerial approval to attend.

So, last week, this flyer came around:

LUNCH AND LEARN SEMINAR: WHO’S CONTROLLING YOUR LIFE? (Get your manager’s permission before attending)

Locked Out

First I had to work late. Then I discovered that I’d locked my keys in the car. But the last straw was learning that roadside service couldn’t get a locksmith to me for at least two hours. Finally the guy showed, looking exhausted.

As he struggled with my door, I joked, “Do those Slim Jim tools come in purse-size?”

“Yeah,” he muttered. “They’re called keys.”

Charm School 101

At one of the last all girl schools in Dallas years ago, the instructor in a “Charm Course” was urging her students to give their escorts every chance to be gallant.  She said, “Remain seated in the truck until he has had time to step around and open the door for you.”

Then, returning to reality, she added, “But, if man is in the restaurant ordering his steak, don’t wait any longer.”

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