A number of years ago when our
children were young, my single brother came to visit for a few days. As it
happened my husband and I, who are both pastors each had a meeting that night.
Uncle David agreed to baby-sit with his two nieces. When we arrived home I
inquired how the evening had gone. “Fine,” he replied. “What did
you do?” I asked. We played “Church” was his reply. How nice, I
thought. “What did you do?” I inquired (thinking they had sung hymns,
or prayed, or read scripture.) “Well..,” he replied “I was the
congregation, they were the ushers, and they took up the offering.”
5 yr. old Alex said “thank
you” for his new Bible cover with WWJD on the front. His dad asked,
“do you know what those initals stand for?” Yes replied Alex,
“www. Jesus Does.com”.
When our oldest son was about
three years old, we went to a small country church near our home. After the
sermon went on for about twenty minutes, our son became restless. The country
preacher asked the rhetorical question “Would you be ready if Jesus Christ
came today”? In a voice loud enough for all to hear, our son repeated
TODAY!?! After the congretation stopped laughing the preacher went on another
fifteen minutes.