Drive Way Antics
Early one evening a man went out to his garage and pulled the lawn furniture out onto the driveway. Shortly after followed the lawn mower, a few
gardening tools and a bicycle.
A curious neighbor wandered over and asked if he was going to have a garage sale.
“No,” replied the gentleman, “my son just bought his first car and right now he’s getting ready for a big date.”
“So what’s with all the stuff?” asked the neighbor.
Well, after years of moving tricycles, toys and sports equipment out of the way every time I came home from work I wanted to make sure the driveway was ready for him.”
The Benefits of Being Polite
Little Tommy had been to a birthday party at a friend’s house. Knowing his sweet tooth, Tommy’s mother looked straight into his eyes and said, “I hope you didn’t ask for a second piece of cake.”
“No, but I asked Mrs. Smith for the recipe so you could make somelike it, and she gave me two more pieces without asking.”
Be sure your sins will find you out!
A young lady walked over to the hospital room where she knew her friend was. “May I see
“We don’t allow anyone but relatives to see the patients.” replied the woman. “Are you a member of the family?”
“Why-er-why, yes. I’m his sister,” said the young lady.
“Oh, I’m so glad to meet you,” said the women. “I’m his mother!”