Wrong Change
A customer moves away from a bank window, counts his change, and then goes back and says to the cashier, “Hey, you gave me the wrong change!” “Sir, you stepped away from the counter,” said the cashier. “We don’t make corrections after you leave. There’s nothing I can do about it now. That’s the policy of this bank.” “Well, ok,” answered the customer. “Just thought you’d like to know that you gave me an extra twenty. Bye.”
Watch Out!
A funeral service is being held for a woman who has just passed away. At the end of the service the pallbearers are carrying the casket out when they accidentally bump into a wall, jarring the casket. They hear a faint moan. They open the casket and find that the woman is actually alive! She lives for ten more years, and then finally dies. A ceremony is again held at the same place, and at the end of the ceremony the pallbearers are again carrying out the casket. As they are walking, the husband cries out, “Watch the wall!”
Sleeping Problem
I have been unable to sleep knowing that I cheated on my income tax return. I understated my taxable income and have enclosed a cheque for R150. If I still cannot sleep, then I will send the rest.
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