Interesting facts # 246


DaveKunste0106When Alexander Graham Bell passed away in 1922, every telephone served by the Bell system in the USA and Canada was silent for one minute.

The people killed most often during bank robberies are the robbers.

Orville Wright numbered the eggs that his chickens produced so he could eat them in the order they were laid.

On New Year’s Day, 1907, Theodore Roosevelt shook hands with 8,513 people.

An exocannibal eats only enemies. An indocannibal eats only friends.

Alexander Graham Bell never phoned his wife or mother because they were deaf.

On 5th October 1974, four years, three months and sixteen days after Dave Kunste set out from Minnesota, he became the first man to walk around the world, having taken more than 20 million steps.

English sailors came to be called Limeys after using lime juice to combat scurvy.

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