In the rush and noise of life, as you have intervals, step home within yourselves and be still. Wait upon God, and feel His good presence; this will carry you evenly through your day’s business.
William Penn
In the rush and noise of life, as you have intervals, step home within yourselves and be still. Wait upon God, and feel His good presence; this will carry you evenly through your day’s business.
William Penn
When we have broken our god of tradition, and ceased from our god of rhetoric, then may God fire the heart with His presence. ~Ralph…
Life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier. Albert Schweitzer
The story is told of an elderly Scottish woman who was asked what she did all day long. “Well,” she replied, “I get my hymnbook…
When we shoot an arrow, we look to the fall of it; when we send a ship to sea, we look for the return of…