Gary Thomas, author of the perennial bestseller Sacred Marriage, which has sold over 700,000 copies, is releasing his newest book, Cherish: The One Word that Changes Everything for Your Marriage. Unlike other marriage books that focus only on love, in Cherish, Thomas explores what happens when spouses truly keep their wedding vows of “to love and to cherish.”
“Most marriages survive by gritting teeth and holding on. But marriages can not only survive but thrive when husbands and wives learn to cherish one another,” said Thomas. “To cherish something is to hold it dear and to find great pleasure in it. Millions of couples have pledged ‘to love and to cherish, till death do us part.’ Most of us understand the love part – but what does it mean to cherish our spouses? Why do we say it once and then rarely mention it again?”
From the first chapter, Thomas powerfully reminds readers that applying the aspect of cherish in a relationship means readers should want to protect their spouse from physical, emotional and spiritual dangers while also treating them with tenderness, nurturing them, indulging them, and holding them dear.
“Love and cherish never compete—they complement each other and even complete each other,” Thomas writes. “The good news is that cherishing your spouse is something you can learn to do. It’s not just a feeling that comes and goes; there are spiritual and relational practices that generate feelings of cherishing your spouse as you act on them so you do hold them dear in your heart. Learning to cherish actually creates joy, fulfillment, happiness and satisfaction. It’s one of those spiritual realities that may not make logical sense, but when you take it by faith and put it into practice, it works.”
Each chapter of the book focuses on a particular attribute of what it means to cherish one’s spouse. Thomas uses personal stories and simple analogies to dive deep into providing practical principles to help couples move from simply going through the motions of a relationship – living in the same house, sharing a bank account, sleeping in the same room – to finding joy by cherishing one another with proven, loving and everyday actions and words.